European parliament resolution on the integrity of online gambling

The European Parliament adopted a non-binding Resolution on the integrity of online gambling at its Strasbourg plenary, with 544 in favour, 36 against and 66 abstentions. European Parliament vote on Online Gambling Resolution

National gambling policies and the containment of the EU's politico ... Mar 22, 2018 ... 2009 European Parliament resolution of 10 March 2009 on the integrity of online gambling. 2010 Government proposal (HE 207/2010 vp). Harmonised anti-money laundering rules for online gambling Strasbourg, 11 March 2014 - Online gambling: EGBA salutes today's European Parliament vote supporting a single set of rules throughout the EU designed to ...

Applying Corporate Political Activity (CPA) analysis to Australian ...

Resolution on the integrity of online gambling, February 2009. Policy from: European Parliament. RR\414363EN.doc 3/14 PE414.363v02-00 EN MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION on the integrity of online gambling (2008/2215(INI)) The European Parliament, – having regard to Article 49 of the EC Treaty, – having regard to the Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity ... European Parliament Adopts Online Gambling Resolution ... The European Parliament has voted to adopt its latest online gambling resolution suggesting some kind of action should be taken at some point in the future to do, er, something about European ... Online Gambling Integrity Under Scrutiny in EU - European ... The European Parliament Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection is set to meet next week to debate a controversial report on the integrity of online gambling with in EU.

licensed gambling operators is an adequate measure to ensure the integrity .... Study of Gambling Services in the Internal Market of the European Union. ...... Practice), dispute resolution, problem gambling, prize payouts and corporate social.

EU Parliament adopts resolution on online gambling: part I EU Parliament adopts resolution on online gambling: part I By Jana Sedlakova In September 2013 the European Parliament adopted resolution '2012/2322(INI) - 10/09/2013' in Strasbourg by 572 votes to 79. The resolution is a follow up from the European Commission’s communication "Towards a comprehensive European framework for online gambling" from October 2012, the so called 'Action Plan'. European Parliament vote on Online Gambling Resolution EL welcomes the new European Parliament Resolution on online gambling adopted today by an overwhelming majority wherein the Parliament clearly endorses the approach of the European Commission’s Action Plan to not propose a sectoral harmonisation Directive for online gambling. European Parliament report on online gambling » All-In The European Parliament today published its Report on online gambling in the internal market calling for a balanced and EU compliant approach when regulating the market. The European Parliament Resolution contains more than 50 policy statements directed towards the market, the European Commission and the Member States. European Parliament vote on Online Gambling Resolution

Texts adopted - Tuesday, 10 September 2013 - Online gambling in the ...

Consumer attitudes towards internet gambling: perceptions of ... gambling policies, consumer protection, and regulation of online gambling .... in the European Union over free-trade agreements and marketing policies. ... meet criteria ensuring customer protection, corporate integrity, and responsible gambling .... dispute resolution with online gambling operators, and perceptions of the ... Applying Corporate Political Activity (CPA) analysis to Australian ... The European Parliament Resolution on the Integrity of Online Gambling recognized the need to prevent problem gambling and under-age gambling [28]. UEFA's position on Article 165 of the Lisbon Treaty - Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), which entered into force on 1 December ... moral integrity of sportsmen and sportswomen, especially the youngest ... paragraph 7; European Parliament (2008) Resolution on the White Paper on ... The proliferation of the online betting market increases the risk of illegal practices,.

Sports Betting and European Law Marios Papaloukas Attorney at Law Assistant Professor of Sports Law Abstract As early as 1992 the European Court of Justice ruled that the principle of proportionality will apply in order to examine whether a restrictive measure, imposed by a member state in order to regulate gambling, is valid. As a result

Gambling and European Law - The Law Reviews 56 European Parliament Resolution of 10 March 2009 on the integrity of online gambling (2008/2215(INI)). 57 See progress report of the Spanish presidency of the EU, ‘Legal framework for gambling and betting in the Member States of the European Union’, dated 11 May 2010, 9495/10. Announcements page 9 on 15 - European Lotteries EL welcomes the new European Parliament Resolution on online gambling adopted today by an overwhelming majority wherein the Parliament clearly endorses the approach of the European Commission’s Action Plan to not propose a sectoral harmonisation Directive for online gambling. European Parliament report on online gambling » All-In

Applying Corporate Political Activity (CPA) analysis to Australian ... - Plos 16 Oct 2018 ... Australian Parliamentary Joint Select Committee (2013) Inquiry into .... The European Parliament Resolution on the Integrity of Online Gambling ... Gambling problems as a political framing—Safeguarding the ... intact but also to expand its field of activities to the Internet as a responsible measure. ...... European Parliament Resolution on the integrity of online gambling . oNlINe gaMblINg RegUlatIoN pRobleMS IN lIthUaNIa aNd the ... - MRU gambling activities in Lithuania according to the European Union (EU) ..... The European Parliament in the report on the integrity of online gambling states ... Resolution P6_TA(2009)0097 of 10 March 2009 on the integrity of online gambling.